Which Category is the "best fit" for URL
Primary category
Arts, Entertainment, News and Sports
Music/Radio/TV, Gambling, Games, Recreation/Hobbies, Travel/Tourism, Sports
Business, Computers, Shopping and Classifieds
Business (such as Exxon Mobil or Wal-Mart), Jobs/Careers, Financial/Stocks, Shopping/Classifies/Auctions, Search Engines, Internet and Net Services
Cultures/Society and Education
Home/Garden, Fashion/Style, Food and Restaurants, Government/Politics (including political activist groups), Kids and Teens, Religion, Education, Libraries and Museums, Science
Personal Content, Social Networking, and Miscellaneous
Blogs, Forms, Chat, Message Boards, Newsgroups, under construction/Parked, Domain for Sale
Sex, Nudity, Violence, Bad Language and Inappropriate Content
Adult Sexual including Sex Education, Fraud or Illegal Activities, Violence, Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco

Check this if you believe the URL should have more than one of the 5 categories showed above.